
Correlative superresolution light microscopy and electron microscopy

Within cells, the spatial compartmentalization of thousands of distinct proteins serves a multitude of diverse biochemical needs. Correlative super-resolution (SR) fluorescence and electron microscopy (EM) can elucidate protein spatial relationships …

Expansion Microscopy + Lattice Lightsheet for rapid mouse & fly brain synaptic imaging

Optical and electron microscopy have made tremendous inroads toward understanding the complexity of the brain. However, optical microscopy offers insufficient resolution to reveal subcellular details, and electron microscopy lacks the throughput and …

TEM imaging of an entire fly brain

A full adult fly brain (FAFB), imaged at synaptic resolution using TEM. * 7,062 brain slices * 23 million images * 115 TB on disk * Over 1.5 years * 1/5 acquired autonomously with custom developed Fast Stage Autoloader robot.

Lattice Light Sheet microscopy

Although fluorescence microscopy provides a crucial window into the physiology of living specimens, many biological processes are too fragile, are too small, or occur too rapidly to see clearly with existing tools. We crafted ultrathin light sheets …